JNVST Class 9th Syllabus 2024


Last updated on Sep 21, 2024

Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti has released the Class 9 exam schedule. Exam candidates must review the JNVST Class 9th Syllabus & Exam Pattern for 2024. 100 marks will be awarded for the JNVST Class 9 exam in 2024. The Exam will last 2.5 hours, per the NVS Class 9 exam format. The JNVST Class 9 Admission test will not be subject to negative marking.

There won’t be any negative marking per the JNVST Class 9 Exam Pattern 2024. The JNVST class 9 question paper will be available in Hindi and English. According to the JNVST Class 9 exam pattern, the JNVST Class 9 Admission 2024 test will include questions from mathematics, science, English, and Hindi. The class 8 level will serve as the basis for the difficulty level of questions according to the Navodaya Class 9 syllabus for 2024. Read the article to learn more about the JNVST class 9 exam schedule and 2024 syllabus.

Want to know more about JNVST Class 6 Syllabus? Read it here

JNVST Exam – Explained

Name of the examinationJawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Selection Test (JNVST)
Article CategoryJNVST
Exam TypeNVS Entrance Exam
Conducting AuthorityNavodaya Vidyalaya Samiti
Admission to ClassIX
Mode of examinationOffline (OMR-based)
Date of ExaminationTo be announced
Examination centrePan India
Medium of examinationHindi & English

JNVST Class 9 Exam Pattern 2024- Overview

This Exam is necessary for students enrolling in Navodaya Class 9 in 2024. They ought to be familiar with the JNVST Class 9 exam pattern 2024, which is presented below.

Name of SubjectNo. of QuestionsMarksTime
English151520 minutes
Hindi151520 minutes
General Science353555 minutes
Maths353555 minutes
  • The Exam will be of the objective variety.
  • Multiple-choice questions will be used to answer the questions.
  • There will be 100 marks on the test.
  • The Exam will last for two and a half hours.

JNVST Class 9th Syllabus

Navodaya Vidyalaya 9th Class Admission Test Syllabus is as follows :

Syllabus for English of Navodaya Class 9 Exam

  1. Comprehension (Unseen Passage)
  2. Word and Sentence
  3. Rearranging jumbled words
  4. Structure Spelling
  5. Modal auxiliaries
  6. Passivation
  7. Reported speech
  8. Use of prepositions
  9. Tense forms
  10. Use of degrees of comparison

Syllabus for Hindi of Navodaya Class 9 Exam

  1. वर्ण विचार / वर्तनी विवेक
  2. पर्याय / विलोम
  3. शब्द विवेक ( शब्द प्रयोग में सूक्षम अंतर )
  4. शब्द भेद (स्त्रोत / उत्पत्ति )
  5. अशुद्ध वाक्यों को शुद्द करना
  6. मुहावरा
  7. पद भेद (व्यावहारिक कोटि) की पहचान
  8. लोकोक्ति
  9. पद परिचय
  10. वाकया रचनातनतरण (सरल/ संयुक्त / मिश्र )

Syllabus for General Science of Navodaya Class 9 Exam

  1. Crop Production and Management
  2. Microorganisms: Friend and Foe
  3. Food Preservation
  4. Materials I –Synthetic fibres; Plastics; Metals and Non –metals
  5. Coal and Petroleum
  6. Combustion and Flame
  7. Conservation of Plants and Animals
  8. Reproduction in Animals
  9. Reaching the Age of Adolescence
  10. Force and Pressure
  11. Friction
  12. Sound
  13. Chemical Effects of Electric Current
  14. Some Natural Phenomena
  15. Light
  16. Natural Phenomena –Lightning; Earthquakes, Pollution of Air and Water
  17. Solar system: Stars and Constellations

Syllabus for Mathematics of Navodaya Class 9 Exam

  1. Rational Numbers
  2. Cubes and Cube Roots
  3. Direct and Inverse Proportions
  4. Exponents and Powers
  5. Squares and Square Roots
  6. Linear Equations in One Variable
  7. Algebraic Expressions and Identities, including Factorization
  8. Comparing Quantities (Percentage, Profit and Loss, Discount, Simple and Compound Interest)
  9. Data Handling (Bar graph, pie chart, organizing data, probability).
  10. Understanding Quadrilaterals (Parallelogram, rhombus, rectangle, square, kite)
  11. Mensuration: a)Area of plane figures b)Surface area and volume of cube, cuboids and cylinder

JNV Class 9 2023 Eligibility Criteria

The student must meet all requirements for admission to Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNV) before being considered. A student’s access to Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya will be subject to cancellation unless they meet the necessary eligibility requirements.

Age, class, prior education, and the number of attempts are among the eligibility requirements for JNV class 9 entrance on open seats. The prerequisites for Class 9 NVS 2023 are as follows:

JNVST Class 9 Eligibility Criteria for All

  • The candidate must be between 13 and 16 years old to be eligible for the JNVST Class 9 exam.
  • As needed, the Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya of the relevant district or an outside centre serves as the JNVST Class-9 Examination Center.
  • Only students who completed Class 8 in a government- or government-recognized school in the community where the JNV operates can apply for admission to JNV Class 9.

JNV Class 9 Reservation

According to the notification, SC/ST students will be given priority for the open seats in the SC/ST/OBC category.

How to fill Answers & Details in OMR

  • Candidates must carefully enter their roll number on the OMR form as indicated on their JNVST class 9 admit card.
  • Candidates are given a separate answer sheet. They must write their replies in the relevant spot on the form.
  • Candidates must have a blue/black ballpoint pen to complete the OMR page with their responses. The use of a pencil is strictly prohibited.
  • Students must choose one response from four possibilities in the JNVST Class 9 Exam Pattern 2024.
  • Candidates must choose the correct answer and mark the appropriate number next to it on the answer sheet.
  • Changes to the darkened response are not permitted.
  • According to the JNVST Class 9 Exam Pattern 2024, each correct answer is worth 1 point, with no negative marking.

Personalized Preparation & Modern Resources

In today’s competitive environment, students can greatly benefit from personalized study strategies tailored to their individual strengths and weaknesses. Leveraging digital resources such as online mock tests, mobile apps, and video tutorials can significantly enhance preparation for the JNVST Class 9 exam. Many platforms now offer AI-driven assessments that help students identify focus areas in subjects like mathematics and science. Moreover, using real-time progress tracking can instill confidence as students prepare for the objective-type questions and work on time management—a crucial factor in acing the exam. Staying updated with such modern tools can give candidates a significant edge.


Candidates are advised to be in touch with the official website of Navodaya Vidyalaya, and Candidates Bookmark our website for updates regarding the Exam.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Question)

What is the Exam Pattern for Navodaya Vidyalaya 9th Class Admission?

It will be an objective test. Multiple Choice Questions will be used to ask questions. There will be 100 marks on the Exam. The Exam will take 2 1/2 hours to complete.

What is the Exam Syllabus for Navodaya Vidyalaya 9th Class Admission?

Hindi, General Science, English, and Mathematics will all be included in the Navodaya Class 9 curriculum. You can check the detailed syllabus that is mentioned above.

How many questions are asked in JNVST Class 9 exam?

A total of 100 questions are asked in the NVS Class 9 exam.

What will be the Maximum Marks for the JNVST Class 9 Exam?

Maximum marks will be 100.

Will this Exam be objective type?

Yes, this Exam will be of the Objective type.

Will the questions be in the MCQ format?

Yes, they will be in the MCQ format.

What is the medium of the NVS Class 9 exam?

The language medium of the Class 9 Navodaya exam is English and Hindi.

What is the Time Allocated for the JNVST Class 9 Exam?

Two and a half hours.

How many subjects are there in JNV Class 9 Exam?

The syllabus for Navodaya Vidyalaya includes four sections: English, Hindi, Math, and science.

If you like this article, share this article with friends preparing for the JNVST Class 9 exam!


  1. Vijay yadav

    hii my real name 8s Aryan yadav, sir, how we find syllabus 9f jnvst

    • Mayank Kumar

      Hi Aryan,

      Apko kiska syllabus chhiye? Apko JNVST Class 9th Exam ka syllabus chhiye kya?

      • Sahib Noman


      • Priyanshu prajapt


      • Kalyani Gope


    • Bhumika Rana

      Find the Google

  2. Santosh

    Thanks sir

  3. Nitin batham

    Obc walo ko minmum kitne number chaiye honge merit list me ane ke liye

    • Mayank Kumar

      Wo har JNV ki merit list alag hoti hai.

  4. Chahat

    Comment *i have need some advice

  5. Chahat

    Need some advice

      • Aditya Vishwakarma

        Hello Dear Sir
        May I have the pleasure to ask you when will the Admit card of 9th come 2024


        • Mayank Kumar

          Please keep checking official website of NVS.

  6. sachin

    where the exam counduts

    • Mayank Kumar

      Exam will conduct in your district JNV.

  7. Samanyu

    Hi sir there is one query how much marks I’ll need to clear Jnv exam class 9 Category: General
    Please give answer

    • Mayank Kumar

      Hi Samanyu,

      It is totally depend on the cut off of the exam and the category so we can’t give any precise number here.

      Thank You.

  8. Shruti

    Sir when we have to fill the form for entrance exam for class9

    • Mayank Kumar

      Hi Shruti, Dates has not been out yet. Keep checking NVS official website to get latest update. Thanks

  9. Raj Debbarma

    kindly send me subject wise syllabus, for the admission test at JNV in Class IX 2025

  10. Shafiq Ahmad

    Sir I can’t studied hindi so am I eligible for JNV entrence exam in class 9th

    • Mayank Kumar

      Yes, you are eligible. You can give exam in english language.


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